I’ve been thinking lately. My thought-processes have started to linger deeply and connive lavishly with my soul. I’ve always been a deep person but in this case, it’s a matter of being consciously aware of the levels and depths I can dive.

Do you believe man is his own prophet? Been battling with this question for days after finishing Bessie Head’s “A Question Of Power” . It’s a very insightful book yet bemusing. It takes you on an empowering journey…highly plummeting. It opened my eyes to the baffling events that spun around the black/colored race years ago. Imagine being reduced to being stupid, no-good, ugly, what not. The sad thing is it’s still happening today. It’s one weighty issue I can’t start to rattle about now. Yes. Do you believe we’re our own prophets? Of course I’m not talking about literally. Why wait on someone to change the world(your world) when you can do it. You can effect change if you start now, if you believe with all your heart you can.

As at now people say that Kwame Nkrumah should have waited ‘small’ so the whites would rule us for sometime before liberation action. I cry silently within each time I hear this. Why regret ? He did us good. More good that anyone could fathom. It was an action that had so much written in between the lines. THE BLACK MAN CAN MANAGE HIS OWN AFFAIRS! We could manage our own affairs. Why couldn’t we manage our own affairs? You see? We as a people also have a role to play with the value we place on ourselves just like currency. We don’t think we can do this or that and that some other ‘superior race’ can do it better. Hell no! Hell frigging no! We are all equal. We are all the same. Brother A, because of his skin color is not better than Brother B. They are all the same. Equal.

So yes. My point exactly is that we can do it. We can be whoever we want to be under the sun…and change starts with ourselves. We can’t begin by changing the world around us when deep within us we’re not mended and think we cannot do it; succeed in life. You are your own prophet…’sent down’ to effect change wherever you find yourself to make the world a better place. Let nobody tell you that because of your skin color you can’t do it. Or because you’re too short, tall, fat, hairy, dumb. Whatever. We have our roles to play… our roles to play in being mankind’s prophets.

P.S. This is what I feel. May be the truth(glory to God!). Just know everything..(everything!) has an element of contradiction in it. I’m just saying.

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