Hi there! 

I know I promised to share the lessons I learned in 2019 with you and though I expected to share them before the year (2019) ended, here we are on the 10th day of January now on it. 

Last year’s Christmas holidays went by so fast I barely blinked before they were over. Nope, it wasn’t as tedious as last years’ but I was hoping I could rest a little bit longer before returning to work, but anyways, let’s jump right into it shall we? This blogpost is about the lessons I learned in the wonderful year of 2019.

Let’s start with the things I learned. Lemme pop a disclaimer here. Now I may have learned these things this year but some are just confirmations, meaning I may have known them already.

1. People treat how others how they are treated. I got a deeper understanding into how people behave and how our actions are influenced mainly by childhood trauma and the things around us amongst other things. This got me to assess gracefully how or why someone was acting a particular way towards me. Most at times it’s not my actions but how others have related to that person, which then shapes their worldview and induces the nature of their actions and reactions. I took things less personal knowing this, and trust me, knowing/learning this is freeing.
2. People are both replaceable and irreplaceable. Contrary to the popular “You’ll never find anyone like me “quotesemphasizing the irreplaceability of people, I found that heck yeah! People can be replaced. Let no one lie to you;people, places, things can be replaced, which is not a sad reality but a beautiful one which feeds into the continuity of mankind and its systems. Hence, life goes on! But in the midst of it all, the individuality and uniqueness of the minutest of details is appreciated which feeds into the amazingness of God’s creativity, because of all the things He created, no two alike species are entirely the same and I stand to be corrected.
3. There is a time for everything. Act fast! Time is not merely a social construct but a major element which governs a lot of things in our world. I see people fleetly inventing conspiracy theories about just anything and hiding behind wokeness as a footstool. Guess what? Accurate timekeeping may have been invented by man but there is such a thing as a right time and a wrong time for everything, yes..everything. This discovery has led me to believe that acting in the now is sometimes better than waiting for when you are comfortably ready because opportunities do not always present themselves appealingly.
4. 2019 also taught me that grace is beautiful to possess but hardwork and grace mixed in one potion produces beautiful fireworks. Now let’s think of grace as a beautiful swan on a lake. It seems to move on the still water with ease but what eyes cannot see is that its webbed feet are putting in effort under the surface of the water. Grace is like floating, effortlessly.  It feels good to know that achieving something is not as hard as others make it to be. However, allowing for laziness to set in is what I want I want to elaborate on here. Possessing grace but being lazy only allows for you to not achieve your fullest potential, and so hardwork is your friend here. Imagine life this way, and the many feats you’d conquer by this.
5. I realized that people love power more than I thought. Now this became more profound to me this year as I noticed a lot about what occurred around me and observed a lot about people’s behavior, and you know what? I also observed that it is usually expressed subtly.
6. Challenges are exciting feats to conquer when you know you’ve done your homework. Truth is, we all have faced or still face some challenges in our lives. Some have tried to suck the life out of us and yet we’re still standing, but what if I told you that challenges mostly occur to help shape us for the next levels of your lives. When faced with pain-wrenching difficulties, why don’t you stop to think about what you could learn from it? Know that you have already overcome (and live it), even before challenges come your way because believe it or not, it goes a long way, at least for me.


And so there you go! A few lessons learned in 2019. 2020 beckons to greater lessons, wider smiles, and more enormous blessings ,and not only is it a new year, it’s a new decade!

Thanks for sticking with me.








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