I’ve been feeling quite bleh these days. As though all my energy has been sucked away by some alien life-form that has gone into hiding and never to be discovered. I feel my life is going so slow, it’s hard to keep up. Like sooo slowww. I feel I’m loosing out on so much.

my breathe seizes to realize the truth within my heart
and so keeps on,
keeps on tying the loose ends, tearing into fibered skins
and stabbing into the flesh of my soul.
i am almost defunct.
You make me the more you annihilate me,
fix me the more you break me,
complete me within and without…wholly.
i cannot help the conflict within me.
i cannot deny myself and walk the opposite way just immediately and smoothly.
how long do i have to use You this way, Lord?
how far do i have to walk in direction A, retrace to B and begin again,
my rehearsed steps and actions only an agonizingly pitiful offbeat song,
almost with no possible ending.
for what is love, if not expressed?
pain, if not to transform?
joy, if the heart knows no day?
and i, if your full sun in me is only exuberating just a painful iota of its goodness?
i love You, i must show it
…And i will

The Liberty Song

This, as the title gives, was originally written as a song. May come off as dark. May not. You decide.

Here comes our first real trip
This is the moment
This is the time
We will be triumphant
Enough of grime
Call us resplendent
God’s our pillar, we’ll be fine
We’ll blow the dust off
This is the time

Good the caked blood disrupted the wheels of your carts
Your beguiling selves could not burn out the fire within our hearts
The only brightness we saw were in your dark gleaming eyes
Spread across your lips, hellish smiles, now rusting in the pit of mire

We tread along these crossroads,
Gladdened we’re living dreams once told
By the dried cries from throats of old
Meandering with beams once helpless, a groan